Of course, the size of the surgical procedure may vary, but if you do not follow the necessary things after the operation, you will be troubled in a thousand different ways. Especially in an environment contaminated by food or drinks that contains a lot of bacteria, such as the mouth, this surgical procedure can have much worse results. For this reason, I tried to prepare a list of what may happen and what you need to pay attention to. I hope you benefit from it.

1-You will have pain for the first two days following the operation, especially. It is very normal, and during this time, you can use pain relievers. You can take pain relievers before the numbness in the operation area subsides according to your doctor’s advice. Your doctor will determine the appropriate pain reliever for you but avoid aspirin or pain relievers like it because it increases the risk of bleeding.

2.During the operation, your doctor may have intervened with the bone. In such a case, there will be swelling and maybe bruises, don’t worry. Applying cold for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling will be helpful. Also using a high pillow when sleeping, using cortisone as advised by your doctor, are other ways to help reduce swelling after the operation.

3.Bleeding in the form of small amounts for the next 24 hours after the operation is normal. Do not spit or rinse during these 24 hours, otherwise you will start the stopped bleeding again by breaking the clots formed on the wound. If you pay attention to all of these but the bleeding is continuing, bite on a clean, tightly packed gauze pad. Hold the tampon tightly for at least half an hour without shaking it. Do not use cotton or tissue to make the tampon. Do not keep the tampon in your mouth for more than an hour. If the bleeding is continuing, be sure to consult your doctor.

4.Do not eat anything for two hours after the operation. Do not use cigarettes or alcohol for at least 24 hours to control bleeding and to allow the wound area to heal. Avoid very hot and very cold foods and drinks for two days and avoid very hot baths directed towards your face. Do not chew in the area of operation for 7-10 days. The clot in the extraction area will turn into tooth tissue during this time.

5.Pay attention to your diet. Consume soft and liquid foods warmly on the first day. You will be healthy so that your wounds can heal in a healthy way.

6.Do not touch the operation area with a toothbrush for the first 24 hours. During this time, you can clean the wound area with your fingers and a clean gauze pad with gentle movements. Do not neglect to clean with a toothbrush using slow and careful movements in the following days. If your doctor advised, you could start gargling from the second day. If you have severe pains starting from the 2nd and 3rd day after the operation, be sure to consult your doctor, a dressing may need to be applied to the wound area.

7.After your stitches, unless instructed otherwise by your doctor, they should be removed within 7-10 days. If your stitches fall off within the first three days, make sure to see your doctor. Be careful not to strain the stitches during movements such as stretching, coughing, or chewing. Do not constantly touch or examine the operation area with your tongue or hands.

8.If your doctor has prescribed you medication after the procedure, take it regularly and completely. If you encounter an unexpected problem, contact your doctor.

9.Nearly all operations performed inside the mouth will not prevent your activities of the day. Nevertheless, avoid heavy-paced sports and household activities on the first day.

10.If there is still swelling or bruising on your face 36 hours after the operation, you can apply a warm compress. Heat increases blood circulation and helps the swelling in the operation area to be resolved more quickly.

All these tips will help you to recover more comfortably and quickly after the operation. Get well soon…