What is Orthodontic Treatment?
It is the correction of an abnormal situation in the teeth, jaw, or face. Although there is a mechanical force, there is also some surgery involved.
Why Should I Have Orthodontic Treatment?
Orthodontic treatment is necessary for both aesthetic and health reasons in some cases.
In cases where malocclusion is advanced, it is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain oral hygiene. As a result, tartar, gum problems, and cavities can occur.
When the oral dynamics of the existing orthodontic problem are disrupted, joint pain, locking, and sounds from the joint may occur due to the forces that are wrongly applied to the jaw joint.
In the case of early-contact teeth in the closure of teeth (premature contact), problems such as pain, gum retraction, and even loss of tooth vitality and abscess can be seen.
Digestive disorders can occur due to improper grinding of food.
Emotional problems can also occur due to aesthetic defects. The patient’s self-confidence is refreshed, and they take a different place in social life with the treatment.
In order to overcome all these possible problems, orthodontic treatment must be performed by specialist doctors.
At what age should I get orthodontic treatment?
There is no need to worry about the crowding or spacing of teeth during the milk tooth stage. While early intervention is necessary for children with skeletal problems (such as at the age of 7-8), there is no age limit for crowding of teeth. Although age affects the duration and difficulty of treatment, it is not a complete barrier. The health of the surrounding tissues of the teeth is more important than age.
The patient’s age only affects the duration and progress of the treatment. However, if there is a skeletal problem, these distortions can be corrected with orthopedic treatment approaches until the end of puberty.
In adulthood, these types of skeletal problems can be corrected with orthodontic treatment carried out together with orthognathic surgical operations.
How is orthodontic treatment done? Who can perform it?
Orthodontic treatment is done using special apparatus. The choice of method, of course, is determined by the dentist’s guidance, depending on the current crowding, the patient’s age, social and economic status. The apparatus can be fixed or mobile. But the treatment should be conducted under the guidance of a dentist who is an expert and experienced in the field.
Do I need to have a tooth extracted to create space in orthodontic treatment?
It is not always necessary to have a tooth extracted to create space in orthodontic treatment. There are also appliances that can be used to gain space. The advantages and disadvantages of extracting a tooth for treatment depend on each case and should be evaluated and decided by the dentist and patient together.
What is a removable appliance and what is a fixed appliance?
Removable appliances are treatment elements that can be put on and taken off by the patient in their daily life. They are preferred for solving relatively simple problems. The biggest disadvantage of removable appliances is that the progress depends largely on the initiative of the patient.
Fixed appliances are applied by the dentist in the clinical setting, and the progress is generally faster. They are preferred for solving more complex cases. The method will be chosen by the dentist.
How long will the brackets stay in my mouth?
The duration of the brackets in the mouth can vary based on many factors, but the most important factor is the size of the malocclusion. Failing to follow your dentist’s recommendations or neglecting routine check-ups will negatively affect this duration.
What will happen when teeth are in the correct position?
When teeth are in the correct position, your treatment’s active phase will end, and the reinforcement phase will begin. This phase is necessary for the treatment you have seen to be permanent. The reinforcement phase lasts approximately 2 years, during which time the use of either removable or fixed appliances continues.
Does orthodontic treatment hurt?
Orthodontic treatment does not hurt. Anesthesia does not need to be performed during appliance application. Only a discomfort like growing pains may occur during the adjustment period. This discomfort varies in intensity depending on the person’s age, pain threshold, and the complexity of the situation, but it usually lasts less than a week. Pain relievers can be taken in extreme cases.
Will orthodontic appliances damage my teeth?
This is not the case if the person treating you lacks education or experience. Unfortunately, very serious cases can be encountered in patients who do not pay attention to oral hygiene during treatment, because a mouth with orthodontic appliances requires much more careful and attentive cleaning.
What do I need to do to start orthodontic treatment?
To start orthodontic treatment, you need to see a dentist or orthodontist and learn if you are suitable for this treatment. Then, under the guidance of your doctor, you need to choose the most suitable treatment method for you. Your choice of doctor is also very important because it is very difficult to complete a long and demanding treatment process with a doctor you cannot agree with or one who is inadequate.
How will the bracket and my teeth be cared for?
Many oral care products are available for use during orthodontic treatment. Special brushes, dental floss, and interdental cleaners are available. I usually only add an interdental cleaner brush to my normal tooth brushing routine for my own patients.
Orthodontic Treatment: Who Cannot Get It?
Orthodontic treatment has no age limit. However, gum problems are the biggest factor limiting treatment. In addition, it is not very correct to perform it on patients who cannot maintain oral hygiene or who do not want treatment.