How to Brush Teeth?

Main techniques for brushing teeth are roll, bass, stillman and modified stillman techniques. The modified stillman technique is particularly successful in preventing gum recession.

Modified stillman method: Place the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line, right above the beginning of the gum line, and move it gently toward the end of the tooth. Ensure contact with the tooth and repeat 10 times on each tooth. Brush the inside of each tooth in the same manner, 10 times from the gum line to the end of the tooth. Brush the upper parts of your teeth that touch each other when you close your mouth back and forth. The total brushing time should be around 120 seconds. Do not apply force while brushing.

What happens if root canal treatment is not performed?

As a result of deep cavities, the pulp (nerve blood vessel bundle) cannot heal itself and the infection can spread to the root tip. If an infected tooth is not treated, it can also cause cyst formation and damage the jawbone. Surgery or extraction of the tooth may be required.