Main techniques for brushing teeth are roll, bass, stillman and modified stillman techniques. The modified stillman technique is particularly successful in preventing gum recession.
Modified stillman method: Place the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gum line, right above the beginning of the gum line, and move it gently toward the end of the tooth. Ensure contact with the tooth and repeat 10 times on each tooth. Brush the inside of each tooth in the same manner, 10 times from the gum line to the end of the tooth. Brush the upper parts of your teeth that touch each other when you close your mouth back and forth. The total brushing time should be around 120 seconds. Do not apply force while brushing.
The dentist places the implants to be done in the jawbone inside the area after it is numb. The patient does not feel any pain during this procedure. The patient may have a little pain on the first day. This amount of pain is not much more than the pain in the extraction site after a regular tooth extraction.
A prosthesis must be made on the implant placed in the jawbone. Cleaning the prosthesis with brushing and brushing the areas adjacent to the gums with a toothbrush is sufficient.
If a diabetic person wants to have an implant, they are first referred to a health institution by the dentist. The amount of hba1c in their blood and the general condition of the patient are evaluated by the dentist. If the result is considered appropriate, the implant treatment is started.
After the milk teeth come out, they perform certain tasks in the mouth at the time of falling. If there is a cavity in the milk teeth, the first thing it will cause is pain in the child. If the cavities in the teeth are not treated, the child will not be able to chew effectively due to pain and loss of material in the teeth, and nutritional disorders may occur. On the other hand, poor appearance of the teeth in esthetic terms will cause the child to experience difficulties in social environments, and to be psychologically affected. Another important result is that the infection caused by the progression of cavities in the milk teeth will harm the permanent tooth underneath it. If the cavities are not treated, they will progress and, when the permanent tooth requires extraction, devices called spacers will be required to preserve the space of the permanent tooth that will replace it. Instead, treating the milk tooth is a healthier and easier procedure.
Brushing and toothpaste can only clean about 70% of bacteria and harmful organisms during oral and dental cleaning. The remaining 30% that cannot be cleaned by toothbrushes cannot reach the gaps between our teeth. Therefore, it is important to complete our oral and dental health by using dental floss. Only using dental floss incorrectly can harm your teeth. It is important to consult your dentist for the appropriate dental floss and proper use of dental floss.
Whitening is a process of removing yellow-tinged discoloration on our teeth. Teeth whitening is a popular choice for those who want to achieve an aesthetic smile. If performed by a professional dentist, teeth whitening will not harm your oral and dental health in any way. Quality gels, appropriate devices and doctor supervision will improve your smile and health.
To make crooked teeth that appear due to narrow jaw or early loss of baby teeth look straight, it is necessary to move the teeth. Therefore, using braces is necessary to correct crooked teeth. The arrangement of teeth can be provided with the help of brackets and wires. For those who are bothered by the appearance of braces, an aesthetic brace treatment can also be provided with the help of wires attached to the back of the teeth, known as aesthetic braces. Again, simple tooth misalignments can be corrected with transparent aligners without using wire. However, this method is only valid for simple tooth misalignments.
The wisdom teeth are known as a general problem among the public, but if the wisdom tooth has not emerged in the wrong position, is buried, or not decayed, it is not necessary to extract it. It is important to get correct information from your dentist about whether the wisdom teeth should be extracted or not during the period after it starts to emerge and during the time it has not emerged.
Surgical intervention before dentures may be necessary for some patients, but not for all. Especially for patients who have lost their teeth a long time ago or for those who are one year old, there may not be an area of bone where the denture will sit in the mouth. Sometimes, an old denture can cause bruises or some tissue irregularities in the mouth. Therefore, it is not possible to take a proper measurement and make a suitable denture without correcting these.
General anesthesia is a type of anesthesia where the patient is put into a state of anesthesia by administering intravenous drugs and anesthetic gas. It is mainly used for patients who are afraid and anxious, mentally retarded individuals, and cases where local anesthesia is not sufficient. Sedation is a type of anesthesia where the patient is only put into a state of sleep by administering intravenous drugs. Sedation has no anesthetic effect; therefore, local anesthesia is also performed on patients to numb the surgical area.
0–15-year-old children fall within the scope of practice of a pediatric dentist. The long process covers the period of tooth lessness, the period when the milk teeth begin to grow, the period when the milk teeth are fully in the mouth, the mixed dentition period when the permanent teeth begin to grow, and the period when the permanent teeth are completed.
Oral surgery is performed by specialists in this field in operating room conditions and a sterile environment. Oral surgical interventions that are usually performed with local anesthesia, that is, numbing the relevant area by injecting, can sometimes also be performed with general anesthesia (anesthesia) or sedation method for the patients.
With the aesthetic expectations like natural teeth, attention has been paid to the aesthetics of the materials used in the mouth, especially in the front area. Over the years, metal-supported porcelain systems, which have been used for a long time, have been sought for new alternatives because they cannot provide the natural appearance due to the lack of light transmission, sometimes causing allergic cases, and gradually causing graying of the gums.
Zirconium, with its tissue-friendly property, has also been used in dentistry. With the use of zirconium in dentistry, strength has been provided close to the metal substrate. The use of zirconium has increased because it does not reflect under porcelain like other materials, does not cause coloration in the gums, and is resistant to corrosion.
As a result of deep cavities, the pulp (nerve blood vessel bundle) cannot heal itself and the infection can spread to the root tip. If an infected tooth is not treated, it can also cause cyst formation and damage the jawbone. Surgery or extraction of the tooth may be required.