Jaw joint disorders are complex disorders that show symptoms such as pain, limited jaw movements, coordination disorders, and sounds from the joint, including chewing muscles, temporomandibular joint and surrounding tissues.

Bruxism is one of the most important factors causing these disorders and the result of accumulated stress during the day.

A person tightly closes or moves their jaws by grinding their teeth on each other. This habit causes tooth wear or breakage, gum recession, hot-cold sensitivity, head, neck, ear, and back pain, limited or no ability to open the mouth, sensitivity, or pain in the joint area to touch, and sounds from the joints while eating.

Treatment generally involves taking the measurement of teeth and making various thickness clear plates suitable for teeth based on the level of the problem. Soft diet is recommended, and moist heat is applied. Painkillers and muscle relaxants are used.

Aside from these treatments, invasive treatment methods can also be applied depending on the type and level of the disorder.