Yes, you did not read wrong. Pregnancy, like many things, is not an obstacle to having dental treatment. Pregnancy is not an illness; it is just a very special and beautiful period when you have to pay more attention to yourself and your baby. During this period, your teeth can be treated like almost any other illness that causes discomfort to you or your baby. Statements such as pregnant women cannot have fillings, cannot have root canal treatment, cannot have teeth extracted, pregnant women’s gums cannot be treated, etc. are nothing but ignorance-based superstitions. Just as the taboo that pregnant women couldn’t do sports was dismantled in recent times with sports like Pilates, etc., the issue of dental treatment is also a taboo that needs to be dismantled. You just need to find a doctor who can guide you during this period and support you emotionally as well as medically, because pregnancy is a period of heightened emotional sensitivity for women. If you’re wondering how it will be done, I can hear you asking…
Firstly, it is very important to know which stage of pregnancy you are in. In general, almost any type of dental treatment can be performed during the second three-month period, which is the middle of the three-month period that is generally divided into three. In the first and last three-month periods, only emergency treatments are preferred to avoid stressing you and your baby.
There are lighter anesthesia options that can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and if necessary, stronger drugs or antibiotics can be obtained with the help of your doctor. This is not something to be feared or exaggerated. On the contrary, the stress caused by toothache and the harm that a possible infection can cause to your baby, and you can be much greater and irreversible. Low birth weight, premature birth, low, bleeding, unresolved tooth problems are some of the difficulties that can arise.
Of course, the best thing is to talk to your dentist before pregnancy to make your pregnancy a memorable one.
I wish you healthy smiles…