Sedation is a controlled semi-conscious state achieved by administering intravenous drugs by anesthesiologists. It is frequently used in dentistry for patients who are fearful, anxious, mentally disabled children and adults. In particular, in children with many cavities, long procedures at the dentist’s office can cause boredom and lead to treatment abandonment. Or, small children who are anxious may not be able to have procedures done with the desired comfort due to sudden movements or fear of local anesthesia, making treatment difficult for both the child and the dentist. In such cases, if the child patient cannot be consciously treated, treatments can be performed with sedation. The patient under sedation does not remember any part of the procedure. There is no pain during the procedures. Treatment of children with many cavities is usually completed in the same session. The patient’s psychology is not affected. Children who go through this procedure painlessly will continue with future dental check-ups more comfortably.

How is Sedation Applied?

The patient must be hungry before the treatment. The patient is put to sleep by the anesthesiologist by giving medication through a vein. The medication is discontinued towards the end of the procedure and the patient is awakened. The patient wakes up shortly after the medication is discontinued and can go home about 30 minutes after regaining consciousness.

Many dental treatments such as fillings, root canal treatment, implants, tooth extraction, and measurements can be easily performed with sedation.

One of the biggest advantages of getting a dental treatment with sedation is that many teeth can be treated in one visit. Usually, the treatment of all teeth can be done in one go, but the treatments to be performed before the treatment are determined and discussed with the patients.

When children receive dental treatment with sedation, it is necessary for pediatric dentists to perform these treatments in equipped centers with the help of an anesthesia specialist. Unlike general anesthesia, the patient continues to breathe normally without being dependent on a machine during sedation. For this reason, there is almost no risk with sedation. Only after some tests are taken from patients with some health problems such as heart problems, the procedure can be performed if they are suitable.