Not so long ago, edentulism was a fate. Everyone knew the dentures that could be used if there were no teeth. The fate of toothless patients was like a quote from a 3rd class comedy movie, either in the bathrooms or waiting by the bedside like cats.
Just like in every area of life, the healthcare sector is also developing at a frightening pace, and we doctors must constantly keep up with it.
Every day, implants, which we are getting used to hearing about, are one of the main topics in dentistry. However, there are also concerns on the side because there is also information pollution in this area. So, let’s start with the answer to the question of what an implant is and when it is done…
It would not be wrong to say that an implant is a fake tooth root. Of course, we cannot expect it to be as successful as natural, but as a prosthesis made by humans, it is a much more successful solution than any prosthesis in our body.
So, how are implants applied? This question is like the nightmare of many patients. However, the procedure of placing an implant, which we call today’s surgical methods, can be completed in 20-25 minutes. With the proper use of medication and patient care after the procedure, swelling and pain are almost negligible.
Who can have an implant applied? Evaluation of health problems is very important, along with the condition of the mouth, when the patient lost their teeth, the anatomical structures surrounding the area where the implant will be placed, the list goes on. In short, you must leave this evaluation to your doctor. In today’s world, even patients with bone shortages can have implantation with methods such as transplanting from another bone in the body (bone augmentation methods), using different angulations (all on 4, all on 6), or placing an implant in the zygomatic bone (zygomatic arch implants).
What can be done in the mouth with implants? Any missing tooth can be restored in a very similar way to nature, as long as the patient meets with a skilled doctor using the right method and materials.