Zirconium is a type of coating that allows for aesthetic prosthetic treatments in dental treatments due to its white color, light transmittance, and durability, and has opened new avenues in dentistry after metal-ceramic.
What are the advantages?
• The light transmittance of zirconium dental coatings provides a natural appearance and is not noticeable because it is very close to our natural teeth.
• Compatibility with gums is much better than traditional metal-ceramic. Traditional metal-ceramic can cause a murky appearance in the gums, while this is not the case with zirconium.
• In particular, when you get zirconium for your front teeth, it will provide you with the closest appearance to natural teeth, making zirconium dental coatings a preferred choice.
• It is more biologically compatible. Some of our patients may develop allergies to metal-based porcelain coatings. In such cases, zirconium coatings should be the first choice.
• Less tooth tissue is cut from the tooth to be coated with zirconium. In traditional metal-ceramic, more tooth tissue is cut to reduce the gray appearance of the metal and to provide a more natural appearance.
• As less cutting is done in esthetic coatings, it is expected that sensitivity to hot and cold will also be less.
• If a single tooth coating is to be done, zirconium teeth would be more appropriate due to their similarity to natural teeth and not being able to be distinguished.
Disadvantages of Zirconium Coatings:
• They are more fragile than traditional metal-topped porcelains, so they are not preferred for situations where there are long tooth gaps.
• They are more expensive than traditional metal-topped porcelains.